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How to Blog on Facebook?

How to Blog on Facebook?

Facebook does not have any feature of blogging for its users. However, if you want to share the entries of blogs on Facebook, you can do this by posting the links of blogs in the status updates. You can use the Notes Feature provided by Facebook. You can also make use of several third party apps which post the entries of blogs automatically to Facebook when they are published. This article is going to introduce you with blogging on Facebook.

Method of Status Update

• First of all, click on Profile or Home links present in the right corner of your Facebook screen. The link is going to take you to your News Feed or the pages of Wall. The box of status update will appear at the top of page.
• Now go to your blog and then copy the blog entry link that you want to share on Facebook. Return to Facebook and paste this link in the box of status update.
• Click on the option of Post. Your Facebook friends will be able to see the link of your favourite blog in their News Feed.

Using Notes Feature

The Notes Feature of Facebook allows you to paste the content of your blog in the notepad. Now, change the format with the help of numbered lists and bullets. Click on the option of “Notes” link which will appear on the left side of Facebook. Choose the option of “Write a Note” in order to get an access to a blank page of notepad. Now either write or paste the content of your blog on the page and then format this text according to your needs. Click on the button of “Publish” now. Your friends can easily get an access to the blog from the section of Notes when they check your profile.

The Use of Third Party Applications

You can also search for the applications of Facebook which publish the content of your blog automatically. There are a lot of apps which can help you in posting blog entries to the Facebook whenever they are published.
• Go to the search bar and type the keywords like blog feed etc in order to find out variant apps which are relevant to Facebook and blogging.
• You must review all the terms and conditions of the app in order to add it to your profile of Facebook.
• Now click on the option of “Go to App” which appears on the app that you want to integrate in your Facebook profile. Click on the option of “Allow” in order to finish adding the application.
You may be asked for providing info about your blog so that it can get updated for your friends on Facebook. You have to enter the website address of your blog and other required information by the app. This way, the content of your blog post will be posted to Facebook automatically whenever you publish a new one.