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Using Twitter Part 2

Using Twitter Part 2

Twitter is a free social networking service and micro-blogging that allows users to post “tweets”, which are limited to 140 characters. Some Features of twitter are –

– Micro blogging
This is obvious, but in the rush to use Twitter differently, many people forget its first mission as a platform i.e. micro-blogging. And it is still one of the best applications. It’s easy to say with a quick tweet to the world what you are doing, how good you are, how your morning coffee is or if your lunch was bad.And it’s a great place for communicating with friends and family – even halfway around the world – in combination with their daily lives to maintain.

– Quick Answers
The idea of crowd sourcing has never been so fast! You can ask all kinds of questions from the Twitter universe, what people think of a particular brand food for babies. If you want more detailed answers then you want to add more friends to know about your posts and works. Find a Job
Whether you’re straight or released until you sick to your current job, Twitter can help you get a new job. It can announce to the world that you are looking for work, but many companies post their jobs on Twitter.

– Keep up with the news
From Newspapers, Magazines, TV stations and cable news, apparently, twitter is the adoption of each individual as the best thing since sliced bread. The best thing is that it makes Twitter a great way to inform the review of the news.

– Learn about what actually think about the latest film
Similarly, keep along with your favorite team, you can also use the search function to review the rumor in the latest version in the theaters. Sure, you can see what the critics have to say, but their opinions do not always confirm to what people think of the film. Twitter can be a great way to discover if the movie is good or bad so that I do not have a pump or a bust of losing their money in a real mistake.

– Advertising campaigns on Twitter: –
If you are looking to create great advertising campaigns to promote action to extend the reach and train patrician then Twitter may be of great advantage. Twitter gives us many ideas to create a successful advertising campaign today such as:-
• Quickly build an active community of advocates and influences for your business. The larger your fan base, there are more people to engage with and disseminate their message.
• Promoted Tweets are regular tweets, but to get the advantage of both current and potential fans you are targeting.
• Hot Trends are happening now on Twitter. As these trends are prominently along the timeline of a user receiving massive exposure.
• Many analysis will give you the opportunity to follow various components of their activities Classifieds on Twitter about the behavior of their customers and adjust your campaign to get best results.
As a conclusion Twitter is a best place for sharing our mood and it can also be beneficial as per business point of view.