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Be the Star on YouTube!

Be the Star on YouTube!

When it comes to visual media, YouTube is the king. This is where young, talented people became celebrities in a span of time far less than recording artists of the past. This is where TV personalities were popular even before they became famous movie stars. This is where companies get their big break at introducing a new service or product. No doubt that anyone planning on succeeding at making a significant online presence is going to want to make the most of this powerful social media tool. When done properly, your channel will have all the views and subscriptions you’ll need to achieve your goals.

YouTube is said to be the most powerful media channel because of the following:


youtube star

  • YouTube is the Top 2 biggest search engine and it’s the Top 3 most visited site in the whole world.
  • Over a billion people come to visit YouTube every month
  • There are over a hundred hours of videos that are being uploaded in every minute  to YouTube
  • It is accessed by adults aging 18- 34. It has been the most access cable network than any others.
  • It has been guaranteed that you’ll find the right set of people to build your client base.


Views? Go Ahead and Buy Them!


Views are what make videos go popular and, hence, viral. So why not invest on them? Sure, expecting them to just come in or maybe having a couple of Facebook friends watch they can help. But if you’re thinking big then you should do more than just convincing people to view your videos. Buying those views is a surefire way that every video you promote keeps on getting put on the feeds. Once the views set in, it’s all going to snowball into more views and, ultimately, more returns for your marketing plan.


Put Subscriptions through the Roof


Apart from views, however, subscriptions are important as well. They are what guarantee that people are constantly notified of any changes in the channel or any new content that they should take a look at. Think of it as getting followers on Twitter. Once you have a pretty good set of subscribers, most of these people will voluntarily share you videos on other social networking sites for even more people to see. Your exposure continues to expand so long as there are people who are ready and able to keep track of your videos by subscribing.


Get People to Talk About Your Videos


Just like on Instagram, audience involvement shouldn’t just stop at views. Popular personalities have other people actually commenting on their videos, showing their support, giving their appreciation, and maybe sometimes offering criticisms and suggestions. Having active comment threads show other customers that you are establishing a strong bond with your subscribers by listening to what they have to say. That’s a very important quality to many people today. By getting comments into the right threads, you’ll be giving people the chance to talk more about the video as well as your brand.


Social images for shares, tweets, facebook likes and photo likes


Pin the Competition Down


No, we’re not talking about the pins on Pinterest. You can also find ways to keep other channels from going anywhere by getting dislikes as well. It’s a legitimate competition strategy that you can employ so you can guarantee that you’re always at the top of the feeds.


Get the Best Services from “BuyMoreLikes”


To do all this, you’re going to need the expertise of a team like the ones at BuyMoreLikes.com. They work 24/7, guiding you at every step of the way, and offer only 100% satisfaction guarantee. If you really want your videos to go viral and your company to soar, then BuyMoreLikes should be on your online marketing plan.