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Pin Growth with buymorelikes.com

Pin Growth with buymorelikes.com

Heard of PinInterest? You better check it now if you have answered “NO”. Pininterest is the new competition to the social media channels consisting of FaceBook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter. It is an application that lets the users save images on different boards. According to Comscore, on Jan 2012, the site had 11.7 million unique U.S. visitors, making it the fastest site to break through the 10 million unique visitor mark.


Pininterest has not received the same kind of attention as its other cousins in the social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Linkedin). However, it is fast catching up and reportedly around 2 million people save Product Pins every single day. These users are also active buyers: Comscore found that women on Pinterest are 30% more likely to shop online than the average woman.   The site has also recently introduced its first paid ads, and is charging much more than giants like Facebook.


Here are a few tips on using the media efficiently after you have carefully set up your account and boards.

·         Create visually engaging content: Pininterest is a visual platform so obviously visually engaging content generates more interest. Your image is the deal maker. Pin different types of images, videos, texts, infographics. However, keep the image simple and clear.

·         Be engaged: Be active and social similar to all the other social platforms. Like pins of other users, post valuable comments, use tags for users and hashtags to highlight keywords. 80% of pins are repins. If someone repins your content, take some time out and visit their board to thank them.

·         Source of great content: Have a balance of your own content as well as of others. Pin images showcasing the beliefs, interests, value behind your own brand. You can be creative and post images of behind the scene fun or manufacturing process, etc. Pin videos, blog posts, tips, quotes from others in your field, whose work you appreciate. Make your boards a source for information.

·         Link your Pin: Lot of times, users don’t pin items to their boards, but just click through to make the purchase. Make sure all links are working on all devices and browsers. Link Product Pins to purchase pages for high conversions. Pins with extra metatags like price, availability appear higher in search.

·         Remember Referral Traffic: PinInterest is also a way of generating traffic to your website and get a higher ranking on search engines. The magic comes from referral traffic. The most important link is the link to other users. Pinterest search shows up People, Boards and who have chosen keywords. Utilize this by updating your account description, pin descriptions and board names accordingly

If you have found these tips useful and would like to further understand and use Pinterest in your promotion, check our services at buymorelikes.com. We can help you in getting more followers, likes and pins. We are available 24/7 and our agent at buymorelikes.com would be happy to answer all your queries.