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How to work with social media influencers

How to work with social media influencers

Image result for social media influencerA social media influencer is a person who is a user and has gained credibility in the social platform. He has a larger audience known as followers whom he can persuade. Additionally, he has the power to influence their decisions because of his authority, power, knowledge, and relationship with his followers. He actively engages his followers on a particular niche in the industry. The number of his following depends on the niche he specializes on.

He builds his reputation for their knowledge or review on a certain topic. He writes posts or blogs regularly to keep his audience posted. The best part is brands of different companies love a social media influencer. They will collaborate with social media influence to promote their brand and products. There are several types of influencers in the social media platform. They include;

  • Celebrities,
  • Industry experts,
  • Bloggers
  • Micro influencers

Now that we have known some of the social media influencers, how do you work with them?

  1. Gifts

You have found an influencer that you like and he could be the right fit for your products. From his posts or comments, you might have discovered that they have the same goal and passion as you have. Moreover, from their posts, you are convinced beyond doubt that they like your products.

You can gift them some of your products. Definitely, they will write an appreciating post about your products. By creating a line or tagging you in that post will surely expose your products. When they accept these gifting you can guess the kind of exposure you will get and plan accordingly.

  1. Giveaways

Most bloggers or any social media content creators have a trend of offering giveaways to their audience. Mostly they invite people for a contest and the person with the most likes gets the products. It is a direct marketing strategy that makes the followers fight for the chance to win your products. During the contest, you get to know why they like your products. Those who didn’t know about them, the contest creates awareness for them.

Image result for social media influencer

  1. Uploading Videos

First, you should look for a social media influencer that has a large audience on YouTube. It is because YouTube has the exposure of making your products to be viewed globally and internationally. There are billions of videos viewed here every day so working with such an influence will make your products to have limitless exposure. With his help and suggestions, you can create a unique video about your products. It should be entertaining too.

  1. Social media posts

You should check not only his following but also his engagement. Is it high compared to the number of his likes? Do not choose a social media influencer who has over 100,000 likes but only 20 people like his posts. When you find the right influencer you can sponsor his ads on social media. You can work with him to develop more contents to reach others who aren’t his audience. He can ask his audience to try your products and post a video demonstrating the benefits or features of your products to win a prize.


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