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Proven ways to increase Instagram views for your video organically

Proven ways to increase Instagram views for your video organically

Instagram is like any other social network. Though one can employ the ads to reach other users, it can be achieved better through networking. Hence the organic model is more suitable! After Instagram has introduced new sorting algorithms, it was felt there is a decline in the visitors to the posts! By understanding  these algorithms, you can improve the number of visitors. As we go, we will talk more about them.

Quality matters!

First and foremost, the uploads have to be attractive!

Keep your posts attractive to your visitors! Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder! The type of visitors is aligned with the type, genre, of your posts. So, it pays to know your patrons, figuratively and literally in case of commercial profiles. Read the comments of the visitors and be in touch with them! Keep the pages in a particular format! Choose the format suitable for the display. This appeals visually pleasing as well as easy to browse.

This brings us to the next tip!


Use the comments section to introduce and describe your content. Keep them informative and interesting.

The underlying factor of the social media is interaction! Read the posts! And respond! That tells them that you care for their opinions. Make the comments section friendly! Encourage them to talk to you as well as among themselves!

Challenge them! To give honest, even daring, reviews. Candid reviews are life savers! In turn, they will generate discussions. That makes the comments section lively.


It is not certain if the Instagram algorithm values likes and comments equally or one more than another. But since commenting requires more effort from a user than liking, it’s possible that the algorithm values comments more than likes and would rank posts with more comments higher than posts with more likes.

Posting at the right time!

Though quality ensures loyal visitors in the long run, posting at the right times can help generate an initial round of engagement on your posts which can, in turn, prompt the Instagram algorithm to push your posts higher on your followers’ feed. Know when your visitors tend to visit your profiles! Instagram Algorithms helps you identify that. They have tools to find out when your visitors frequent. That way you can post new ones so they draw them.

Use Instagram Insights – Followers in the tools section to get the statistics.

Location Info!

People are nomadic in nature! It is our lifestyle that confines us to a particular place. So, everyone is naturally drawn to locations. It’s pretty efficient to include the location details in case of the places! This will fetch more views through Hashtags, for personal and commercial profiles. Especially, very handy for businesses like Travel Agencies, Resorts, Trekking etc.


Up to 30 hashtags are allowed. More the merrier should be the approach to reach many. Be on the lookout for new hashtags! Choose the ones that are relevant to the images & videos. Irrelevant tagging ends up frustrating the surfers! We don’t want to repulse the visitors, do we?

Images vs. Videos!

It may appear that the images, photos, trend better. But a closer examination reveals that videos generate more comments than photos. In fact, videos, on average, received more than twice the amount of comments than photos! Use professional looking videos!

Live videos are another attractive feature to consider. Live videos are better than Instagram Stories. They generate more comments. The tag LIVE catches more eyes.

Cross Platform Linking!

You can link your posts to your accounts in other platforms like Facebook, youTube etc. It creates a wider reach. Find friends to post the links to your Instagram profile! After all it is networking! Use it to cast a wider net!

Tell Instagram Stories!

Instagram Stories describe something as it happens in your life. A live blog! People are interested in others’ lives, aren’t we all!

In a State of Social Media 2016 report, it’s found that while 63 percent of marketers surveyed using Instagram, only 16 percent have created Instagram Stories. There’s a great opportunity to stand out before it gets too crowded! Spend the time to craft great Stories to help them rank better.

Instagram ads – Promote existing post

Though it’s a little counter-intuitive but Instagram ads can be an effective way to grow your organic reach. Business profiles can employ ads. You have to finalize the target audience first and then tailor the ads suit to resonate with them.

Keep your approach as well as attitude fresh, evolving and captivating. In short, Organic!

All the best!

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